Dear all,
Based on the survey conducted via eastlib in Oct. 2013, CEAL CTP will sponsor two one-day pre-conference workshops jointly with other committees:
• Electronic Resources Standards and Best Practices: What Do Bibliographers, Catalogers, Publishers, and Vendors Need to Know?
• Advanced RDA NACO Training
Please click
here to register. Registration will be closed on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013. A confirmation with instruction for collecting registration fee will be sent out after registration closed. Except for publishers/vendors for the Tuesday workshop, CEAL members are given first priority over non-CEAL members.
Housing: Both workshops will be held at the Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, about 2 miles from AAS conference hotel, so please make housing arrangement on your own.
Workshop details are described below:
1. Tuesday Workshop: Electronic Resources Standards and Best Practices: What Do Bibliographers, Catalogers, Publishers, and Vendors Need to Know? (Jointly sponsored by CEAL Committee on Chinese Materials, Committee on Japanese Materials, & Committee on Korean Materials)
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Location: Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania
Registration Fee: $30 or $35 (additional 20% for non-CEAL member)
Participants Capacity: 80
Workshop Description:
Renowned leaders in the field will introduce the well-established national/international e-resources metadata standards and best practices (Presentation and Identification of E-Journals (PIE-J), ISSN, name identification standards (ISNI, ORCID, etc.), Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (KBART), OpenURL, Digital Object Identifier (DOI)) for creating, manipulating, and managing electronic content and metadata for online resources. They will also address the benefit from complying with these standards and present examples with best practices. CEAL colleagues will address current metadata issues and challenges for East Asian online resources that affect user experience as well as to report the status of vendors’/librarians’ awareness of established standards and best practices.
Desired outcome:
1) The workshop will bring catalogers, bibliographers, public service librarians, and publishers/vendors together to work collaboratively on improving discoverability and accessibility of e-content;
2) The participants will have a thorough understanding of the impact on user experience from complying with standards;
3) The audience will have recommended criteria to evaluate the e-content presentation and metadata for resources;
4) The librarians will be able to communicate with publishers/vendors of East Asian materials on whether they are compliant with these best practices when negotiating and signing license agreements; and
5) The publishers/vendors will be able to create quality e-content and associated metadata to effectively support different levels of user discovery as well as to eliminate access problems that consume staff time for resolution.
Regina Romano Reynolds (Head, ISSN Section and Director, U.S. ISSN Center, Library of Congress)
Nettie Lagace (Associate Director for Programs, National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Other CEAL specialists
2. Monday Workshop: Advanced RDA NACO Training (Jointly sponsored by PCC CJK NACO Project)
Date: Monday, March 24, 2014, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Location: Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania
Registration Fee: $20 or $25 (additional 20% for non-CEAL member)
Participants Capacity: 30
Workshop Description:
This one-day workshop is designed to provide in-depth study in the areas of CJK name authorities. The workshop will cover the RDA updates on name authorities since the last CEAL workshop in 2013. Name authorities in the areas of corporate body names, place names, and works and expressions will be discussed, as will the LC/NACO Authority File regarding changes to existing authority records. Hands-on examples will be incorporated in the training.
Fundamental knowledge of RDA authority record contents and structure. IT IS NOT INTENDED FOR BEGINNERS.
Jessalyn Zoom (key trainer), Sarah S. Elman and other CJK cataloging specialists